
Boys of Summer

Tune in this week as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host report on the wide spread delusion and deception and how it will be overcome!

“Experts” aren’t what they used to be, but even they know that importing terrorist “refugees” from Gaza is a bad idea. And speaking of terrorists, the children Elon Musk raised on the Climate Crisis are literally storming his gates! Speaking of gates, Bill Gates is predicting his investment in mRNA vaccines, the single greatest medical failure in history will soon be adopted and deployed worldwide!

Airman Roger Fortson’s tragic death was trolled by Ben Crump and the Forces of Darkness for in the spirit of George Floyd, but doesn’t look to fit the bill. State Department spokes-kid Matthew Miller may not even exist, but he insists Iran will “never” get a nuclear weapon. And in Canada the Delta Hospice Society is hoping the Northern Death Cult and her MAiD will abide by their request not to be euthanized.

Meanwhile epic Bozo and former Trump CDC director Robert Redfield is stoking fear of gain of function and the Bird Flu, and unfortunately it’s difficult to discern what to believe…

More women are going to work in America than ever, and Axios whats to figure out how to keep them there. The criminal cult running Colorado has passed a law against the truth, but Ward Clark thinks its just against his objections. And at LSU the meat-heads & jocks stood up the effeminate HAMAS-nicks to no one’s benefit.

Find out why the HAMAS-nicks all wear the COVID mask, why surfer Bethany Hamilton is losing her sport to the Trans-nicks, and how RE-publican evangelicals in Oklahoma invited Islamists and  satanists into the government schools!

All that plus the devastating resignation of not just one, but two American beauty queens, life at the airport circa 2024, and the general rising of tension as we head into a long hot summer.



Flight From the Absolute

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer talk justice, used cars, Lindsey Graham’s lies, The DEA & Brittney Griner’s brain fog, Russell Brand’s conversion, “The Chosen” & Disney, Democrat and Republican baby killers, and what ever happened to the Houthis? We also invite you to pick up both volumes of Paul Gosselin’s “Flight From the Absolute”, which your host has just finished. The author says: “More specifically, Flight from the Absolute is a peek into the dominant worldview in this generation. In contrast to Enlightenment ideologies such as Nazism or Communism, the postmodern elites that rule us are loath to have their creeds and dogmas out in the open where the ordinary people they despise (like you and me) could critique them or compare them to their own belief system.”

We would reply that the post-modern religion seems to have reinvigorated communist and NAZI ideologies that are now springing back onto the stage, unmasked…. (except for the COVID masks).



Bible Study, Job: The LORD’s Discourse Part II

Job 38:39 – 39:30

We examine the end of the creative, geological, astronomical and meteorological presentation of God’s wisdom and understanding with the numbering of the clouds and the bottles of heaven, and then it’s on the the zoological presentation.

We count the lion, the raven, the wild goat, the hind, the wild ass, the unicorn, the peacock, the ostrich, the horse, the hawk and the eagle. We see in them his wisdom, and follow His understanding through the scriptures, 11 animals in all, in anticipation of number 12, behemoth, and the 13th – Leviathan.

We’ll think about how God maintains everything all at once, and contemplate His omniscience. We’ll look at the prophecies of power, terror and majesty related to the lion; the picture of the Fall told in the raven; the goat as he symbolizes bounty and sacrifice; the deer and a picture of hope; the donkey and the three fold witness at the triumphal entry; the unicorn and his horn of authority unified authority and power; the peacock and the apex of humanity in the fallen world; the horses of judgment, and the white horse of the LORD’s conquest; the hawk bringing judgment from the north, and the eagle that can save, or scavenge.

Get the Audio Version Here.