Uncivil Unrest

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host review the week from Ambush to Zika with a perspective that just might make you think.

We’ve got two or three witnesses against bringing Joe Paterno’s statue back to Penn State, “local transients” abusing children in Twentynine Palms, and China increasing tension, (as if we needed any more of that)!

The filming of the sequel to “50 Shades of Grey” was ironically interrupted by a terrorist attack, Zika has been confirmed to be a venereal disease and the Washington Post has given phony “pro-family industry” leaders a perfect fund-raising opportunity.

Christians were told we won a “victory” against homo “marriage” in Kentucky, but it was just a legalistic workaround so bureaucrat Kim Davis can continue collecting a paycheck while marrying off queers…

Trannies are roaming the dressing rooms at Target and the summer camps of Essex, Methodists have put a homo in the Bishoprick, and Pamela Geller is set to defile herself alongside open flaming & “conservative” homo Milo Yiannopolous and other deviants, (like Ann Coulter).

The FBI let the homo-Moslem gay bar massacre perpetrator slip through their fingers, but in West Baltimore an ambush against the cops was ended with death for the assassin!

The Black Panthers want to carry guns to the RE-publican convention despite the fact that their fingerprints are all over calls, (and possibly actions) for the assassination of police!

It truly is a world gone mad, and we’re just glad you choose to spend some time hearing about it all with us…