
The Pop Culture/Public School Complex

America’s most attractive audio engineer is rejoined by her host for another venture out from the climbs of the “lunatic” fringe to cast their eyes and their aspersions upon the medicated and the stupid alike.

You’ll hear about the wretched and tragic products of the Pop Culture Public School Complex, and the whining teachers who’ve taken to the streets to admit out loud, (and under images of the commie clenched fist) they cannot handle the task of educating the children.

And find out what real law is, as opposed to RE-publican fakery, and outright corruption in the Just-a-System!

Discover a new way to handle drunk drivers, and the revelation of the fact that, just as we’ve all suspected for sometime… Washington DC is on drugs!

Europe has ordered the murder of Alfie Evans and Vincent Lambert instead of allowing people who loved them to care for them.

So while it seems civilization has descended to the madmen, God’s amazing design of the human immune system, in all it’s power continues to be revealed by cooler heads.

Finland has proven that stealing money to give it to slackers is a bad idea.

A world renowned, well respected deviant burned himself to death in the park, while another world renowned, well respected deviant had a stroke and none of those heaping the renown and respect seemed to even notice…

The latino caravan expected at the Mexican/American border on Easter arrived this morning

Liberals honored Ira Einhorn on Earth Day by discovering a body in Indianapolis.

Perhaps only Tim Tebow can save Major League Baseball.

And it is our opinion that the indelible legacy of Donald Trumps presidency will be that he persuaded evangelicals to affirm him in adultery to the detriment of his eternal soul.

All that along with Joy Reid, Bill Cosby, #MeToo, black guys loitering at Starbucks, Tucker Carlson stumbling into a description of God, and not a word about Jim Comey or collusion!



Slide of the Secular Socialist Democracy

America’s most attractive audio engineer returns with her host to help you get a better grip on reality, and to tell you that despite what you might hear, you are not condemned to live in fear.

We start with ROBOTS!! Yes, Robots! They’re not just for flipping burgers anymore!

And then there are the ALIENS!!!! Yes, the “ancient aliens” History / Disney is touting as a possible replacement for the crumbling theories of the Big Bang, and Darwinian Evolution…

Find out why the Just-a-System teaches criminals that they can get away with murder, even when sentenced to “death”, and how it makes common-place behavior that once would have shocked the nation for weeks!

We’ll get our weekly dose of unreality and fear dressed up as science from Stephen Hawking, and visit with a man declared three times “brain-dead” who woke up snoring! Because, like we’ve seen with so many others… brain-dead ain’t necessarily dead!

The Supreme Court is set to decide if the governments of the Secular Socialist Democracies can now extend their immoral tax policies to the Internet, while in Stamford Connecticut the Board of Representatives has decided they may no longer be identifiable as men and women any longer.

We’ll give a shout out to an alleged drunken slut who destroyed some Andy Warhols art, (an unfortunate crime yes, but after all the victim was a lawyer), and any destruction of Andy Warhols influence must be considered a net positive for society going forward… no?

We’ll talk about “gentrification” in Denver and in Israel, where the Palestinian Authority insists on the death penalty for Arabs who sell “Palestinian Lands” to Jews, and Moslem Imams continue to insist on the death penalty for Jews… who are, well, just being Jews.

We will thank God for his many built in mechanisms to reduce crime, and for Tim Tebow who went from something pro-abort doctors likened to a tumor to an all around really decent fellow! And we mostly thank his mom, Pam Tebow!

And we’ll ask out loud why it is all media is obsessed with Trumps vulgar, but accurate description of most of the world, (and if we’re not mistaken, every Travelodge that ever existed), while ignoring the fact that President Trump has broken his promise regarding Obamas Iran Nuclear Deal!

All that and our own tale of “gentrification” as told by an interracial couple, (just to avoid offending anyone in the media).



Ratcheting Tensions

Tune in to hear how America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host cope with tensions, ratcheting and otherwise, across a spectrum of increasingly shocking and violent incidents.

But then there are the tranquil wavelengths found in a field of flowers that use a trick of the light to attract the bees they need… Now that’s a nice way to start!

From there we go to a brick in the face of a teacher hurled by the mother of a fourth grader, and coming in at reason number 1,104 to get (or keep) your children OUT of the government schools.

Donald Trump is considering visiting the Korean DMZ, and getting plenty of advice from his retinue of alternately cowardly and stupid democrat advisors, while the Kurds find themselves turning to the Russians after realizing they’ve earned only the derision of every American administration for whom they’ve fought (and won).

And then there is the latest scandal that would topple the careers and ruin the reputations of any politicians EXCEPT Bubba Bill Jeff and Hillary Clinton! The Russian Uranium One Scandal is upon us; proving your host was right that the dems and the media have stirred up all this muddy Russian water to conceal their own guilt and corruption… but so what. It doesn’t matter. The Clinton Beast lives on. And we’re so jaded…

We’ll look in on a 186 Tortoise named Jonathan who never did anything but be interesting, and who’s now accused of possibly, maybe, perhaps being a homosexual by the sex perverts in academia and the secular media.

We’ll recall for you Law Enforcement’s “Operation Cross Country”, an annual exercise of trolling for the kidnappers and rapists that the Proctocracy has forced them to regulate.

You’ll hear about the latest record low American Birthrate, (and the abortion pills that fuel the decline). Alongside reason number 1,105, the “items” Planned Parenthood brings to the government schools to teach your kids how to “Get Real” about fornication!

Find out about the latest information on Dr. Walt Brown’s  Hydroplate Theory (of how and why the earth looks and behaves the way it does) with a Special Video Package fit for any scientific curriculum from our friends at

Finally you’ll be privy to the necessary condemnation of all the perverts who ran pictures of the Playboy tranny, (which we’ll NOT link to) and have a laugh as our liberal neighbors in San Francisco sink further into the fear and loathing they have chosen for themselves.

And a bit of Tim Tebow, taking a knee and empty NFL stadia just for good measure!

All at the podcast below folks!