
The No Normal

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer as she and her host don the PPE, (Philosophical Pondering Experience) against the “new normal”.

Find out why homeschooling is freaking out the Left, how race doesn’t matter if you just want to clean things up, and how the communists are seizing the nation while our religious leaders cower behind face masks.

And with everyone cowering, it appears to have fallen to the barbarians to save America from the Vandals!

And remember folks; the good old days weren’t all that good, what with people deciding to murder the most innocent and one another over even the most trivial of matters. And the “new normal” isn’t making that any better. you can add dog poop, add refusal of service to that list.

While America’s national debt clips along adding about a trillion dollars a month, those responsible for the lock down are hard at work producing made to order data to convince us it worked. All this while China, (who gave us the original surveillance state, and “lock down model” in Wuhan is providing a glimpse of our dark future under the rule of communist, fear and the virus.

It’s no wonder the commies are taking America seeing as they’ve infiltrated some of our highest institutions!

And transitioning from the virus delusion to the racism delusion, we report on the growing number of cops being hunted and ambushed, Drew and Brittany Brees becoming part of the problem indeed, Lady Antebellum teaching vocabulary and cowardice, and Winston Churchill being hidden, (for we know he would not choose to hide).

The Student Council in Minneapolis says they will disband the police department, Chicago had it’s bloodiest day of all time on May 31, and a suspect has been arrested for the murder of David Dorn!

In Portland the police chief resigned to make room for a black guy. In Los Angeles Eric Garcetti lies without the encumbrance of embarrassing evidence, and in Georgia Trooper O’Neal Saddler bows only to the Almighty!

All that, plus a few laughs and a millennial’s view of the rest of his life from behind the face-mask!