
The Brink

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host peer with you over the edge and plot a way back.

Hear all about how the power mad maniacs who killed New York City with their lock downs are beginning to admit publicly that their tyranny is never meant to end.

We’ll tell you why executives at Netflix should be awaiting trial instead of covering up for the child pornographers they employ, and how the Golden State Killer became an icon of injustice (among many who’ve gotten away with murder) and the overthrow of a nation.

Watch the police hide and de-escalate in Portland, as the bikers with baseball bats line up against ANTIFA with their guillotine to determine who ends up with America.

And while the government schools indoctrinate their young victims with the shame of “whiteness“, “scientists” magically insert 313 million years into the tale of fossils and a cliff collapse that tourists of Grand Canyon (against all reasonable odds) are able to observe today!

Soldiers in Mali have carried out an operation that more than one Marine Lieutenant Colonel must be preparing in America right now…. (we hope).

Chicago’s unattractive, lesbian mayor Lori Lightfoot has issued a ban on looting her house, Governor Andrew Cuomo has issued a ban on making jokes about him, Maine Governor Janet Mills wants to put your waitress in a cone of shame, all while Sharon Stone and her ego-maniacal sister blame you for the fact that they’re both really, really sick!

Calling a colored lady colored can get you fired by the way…

At the Democrat National Convention the murder of unborn children was mentioned by a Catholic priest in between lamentations for the bullying of LGBT teens and his sympathy for murderers on Death Row.

The rather comfortable American evangelical “fight” against the left’s “threat to religious liberty” seems rather pedestrian when viewed alongside those being tortured, burned and shot to death for their worship of Jesus Christ while farming in Nigeria.

All that plus dreams of driving, cycling, walking and running for your life, 120 days without Matt Drudge, Hollywood voices screeching guilt on you & the coming drop of blood that may take us beyond the tipping point.



Hope in Truth

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer as she and her host seek the truth, and discover others doing the same… even while they’re denying it.

We’ll go to space, where the free market may just do in a decade what all the government bureaucracies of the world could not get done in the better part of a century, (neither the last, nor this century)!

Then we’ll delve into the inner workings of the biological cell to discover the truth about the original home of information science, (and evidence that viruses may have been created for good after all).

Then it’s off to the American Congress where Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore told the Democrat Committee for Climate Propaganda & Hysteria, (or whatever) that the “Sixth Great Extinction” and the climate crisis generally is just a fear tactic and a load of bunk.

The it’s back to 1942 when about half of all Americans either embraced, or weren’t sure about socialism, to 2019 where most Americans don’t know what socialism is, but almost half are for it.

After that it’s on to Tulane University where a man who publicly, proudly talks about sodomizing other men admitted his failures in his commencement address, (but without addressing the whole open sodomy fail).

We’ll check in on the state of domestic tranquility with a murder for hire plot at the NYPD, and the state of justice with the Just-a-System’s release of two MS-13 Gangsters into a sanctuary city where the accused murderers then murdered 14 year old Ariana Funez-Diaz. We call for the prosecution of everyone involved in the release on charges of accessory to murder.

We’ll update you on the saga of Johnie Walker Lindh (or as known on the Worldview: Johnnie Walker Black), also released from prison, also forever broken by the truth of what homosexuality is, and is also likely to kill again…

We’ll tell you why “life without the possibility of parole” means “with the possibility of parole”, especially in the case of John Hickenlooper, Erik Jensen & Nathan Ybanez; three accomplices in the murder of Nathan’s mother Julia Ybanez. (Hickenlooper also having made himself an accomplice in the 1993 Chuck e Cheese Massacre with Nathan Dunlap).

Then we’ll check in on Bobby Joe Long, finally executed in Florida for the early 1980s murders (and rapes) of at least eight women.

We issue an apology to Yovani Lopez for our misunderstanding and misinformation about him last week. He was the husband of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez. She was brutally murdered and her child torn from her womb. He was indeed her husband, and the father of their child. (Husbands and fathers being persons the media has a policy, generally not to mention. Hence your hosts unfortunate confusion).

And we celebrate with all decent people the respite given to Frenchman Vincent Lambert, as he is once again being fed and given water by the state Hell bent on killing him.

Hear about all that, New York City, trains and buses, hail and tornadoes, and some musings on being governed by child killing, radical, homosexual socialists everywhere… All at the podcast below.