
Picking Up the Pieces

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and she and her host blow the hypocrisy and lies of the Left  to pieces!

Bill O’Reilly is mad at God… for what we remain unsure, but we are acutely aware of why God might be upset with Bill.

At Scotland Yard the trannies have one of the most respected law enforcement agencies on earth tied in knots over how to announce the various sexes of a pile of homos suspected of assault, while keeping the whole of England simultaneously puzzled about the astonishing rise in the rate of child molesters targeting children.

And Marky Mark Wahlberg says he asked God for forgiveness over the sordid details of his first big break as a porn actor in “Boogie Nights”, (and we appreciate pjmedia’s calling him to continue in repentance).

Silicon Valley has begun delivering abortion pills to teenagers, Social Security, HHS and SSI will dole out about three trillion dollars to destroy our friends and neighbors under an avalanche of welfare, and Donald Trump apparently believes that the lives of junkies trump the lives of the unborn children being murdered under his administration!

The catastrophe brewing in North Korea continues to simmer almost to a boil, Christians in Iraq are going from the frying pan into the fire, and a Dinosaur “mummy” serves as the latest fine example of the deranged state of evolutionary thinking in the “scientific” community.

The ACLU and a pile of filthy judges succeeded in the targeted killing of an innocent child in Texas while the rest of the government knelt supine before their masters…

And while an Albert Einstein note sold at auction for $1.5M, his progeny in the Big Bang community were proven once again to be delusional, (if they even exist at all).

But hang in there folks, and tune in as we stand ready to pick up the pieces of the impending crack-up lurking just below the surface of a godless world gone mad!



Culture of Death

Join America’s conservative talk leader and his extremely attractive audio engineer as she wraps all the news fit to bump around in an hour with the power to really change the world!

We’ve got lesbians who say they were humiliated when mistaken for men, (even as they mistake themselves for men), Federal officials hooking up with queers (and Columbia) , the President getting big applause at the SOTU for his shout outs to the homos, and the IRS awarding a contract to the outfit that built!

The RE-publicans and the pro-life industry had an embarrassing fall out on capital hill this past week when they couldn’t agree on which innocent people they would consent to murder.

The Pope told Catholics not to breed like rabbits, while Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP said “black lives matter” while participating in the murder of innocent black people, the Dutch are assisting in the suicide of tinnitus sufferers, and “assisted suicide” has a new (albeit dead) spokesgirl, (Brittney Maynard, the one who practically killed herself on CNN).

The Shiah Houthis have taken the Sunnis in Yemen (and John McCain wants to arm one side or the other), a Philistine stabbed 9 Jews on a bus, Israel dropped a bomb on an Iranian general and some of his friends in Hezbollah, another Al Qaeda terrorist was released back into the wild, and ISIS beheaded a Japanese citizen to the collective weeping and candle lighting of both Japan and The West.

Tom Brady ain’t ISIS, but he and his team should be kicked out of the Superbowl for cheating. Marky Mark Wahlberg should have been executed for his crimes and should not be asking for a pardon, and finally, the shocking news that violence broke out at an “anti-violence” Hip Hop concert, was noted with all due shock…

Grab the podcast and get more conservative talk in one hour than the others can produce in a whole week!