
Straight to Hell

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host explain why Hell was one of God’s best ideas!

Speaking of Hell, you’ll get to hear Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wail and gnash, challenging anyone who threatens her her ability to sleep around and kill babies.

And we’ll delve into the darkness to discover the people for whom Hell will be constructed; like the mother daughter pair who murdered Marlen Ochoa-Lopez to steal the baby from he womb. And Thomas Gilbert Jr. who murdered his father. And Derion Vence, who murdered his girlfriends four year old daughter. And Cadesha Bishop, who killed 74 year old Serge Fournier because he wanted her to “be nice“.

We follow up on your hosts prediction that the tranny who murdered Kendrick Castillo and wounded 8 others at the STEM school shooting in Colorado did not know her father.

We’ll check in with vulgar heathen Bill Nye “the filthy-mouthed guy” as the mask comes off a fellow who’s last true statement was something regarding photosynthesis in the 1990s!

And then it’s over to the EU where the completely defiled and pathetic adults are apparently looking to the children for leadership.

Then it’s on to Jeff Bezos trying to convince us he can save the earth, but we remind you that he couldn’t even save the most fundamental and important social contract he ever entered into on the earth, (his marriage).

We’ve got robots coming to farm, an exorcist with some good advice, (and a few strange ideas), Joe Biden: the best the Democrat Party can do at the moment, and breaking news on the Trump opera that we leave to the myriad outlets obsessed with it.

All that and a few thoughts regarding all the excitement surrounding the so called “Heartbeat Bills”, abortion exceptions, and killing innocent people who cannot defend themselves. At the podcast below: