
Weekly Bible Study Divorce & Remarriage Part V

This week we will review God’s most direct statement regarding divorce in Malachi 2:14-16. We’ll then examine the mass divorce and disinheritance event recorded in Ezra and answer some key questions:

1. Was the command to divorce the pagan wives from God?
2. Was the event carried out “according to the Law?”
3. Should Ezra 10 inform the doctrine of “biblical grounds for divorce?”

We’ll discuss the chronological order of Esther, Nehemiah & Ezra, referring to the original languages in questions of biblical translations, and examine Joseph’s contemplation of divorcing Mary, his betrothed when she was found to be with child.

Get the Audio Version HERE.


Weekly Bible Study Divorce & Remarriage Part IV

This week we study references to divorce in light of the Hermeneutic of the Romantic Subtext and the Symbols in the Law and the Prophets. We’ll touch on the respect for marriage and virginity in cultures past and present, the question of divorce for sexual immorality under the Mosaic Law, and divorce as a symbol of God’s mercy. We’ll see that intent is required to be married, the difference between chattel slavery as practiced today in the Moslem world versus servitude in ancient Israel, and the fact that God considers a wife and children the property of a husband.

We’ll examine the question of divorce for adultery in The Law, look at the punishments for both idolatry, and contempt of court under The Law, and who’s heart was it that was so hard Moses suffered men under The Law to divorce their wives.

Get the Audio Version HERE.



Like a Suicide

America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host document the murder/suicide of a number of people and institutions this week, (least among them the Democrat Party).

Listen in to hear Georgio Armani “apologize” for 40 years of abusing women, and find out about another mom who went from loving her kids, to disappearing them

Tim Tebow says it’s better to be known for saving lives than for winning Superbowls, Iran may be planning to destroy the tombs of Esther and Mordechai, and to ther chagrin, (or worse lack thereof) of his gullible evangelical supporters, President Trump has elevated an out-loud homosexual to Director of National Security.

One of the founders of the Department of Homeland Security, and whistle-blower against Barack Obama’s misplaced Islamophilia has been found shot to death; (no word on Hillary Clinton’s whereabouts at the time just yet)…

A man who survived the hell of the Syrian Civil War did not survive delivering pizza in West Baltimore, a madman in Germany who heard voices, ranted about conspiracies and ultimately murdered 9 people is being called “far-right” by urinalists world-wide, and Canadians worried about global warming may be acting out as terrorist saboteurs!

“Bail reform” in NY has produced a new breed of brazen criminals, facial tattoos may not be the career limiters they once were, and reason number 1,118 to get (or keep) your kids out of the government schools? They might be molested by the Principal!

Disney has introduced another pervert character to entertain your children, Michael Bloomberg had some fun with Donald Trump on his way to losing to Bernie Sanders, and even a convict knows that certain things cannot be tolerated, (child molesters first among them).

Scientists hampered by evolutionary worldviews may still stumble backward into unlocking the healing power present in the world before the Fall of Man.

All that with aggressive peacocks, shopping for clothing and more, at the podcast below.