
The Big One

America’s most attractive audio engineer joins her host looking over all this talk of civil war, petty crime, how we got to the edge, and how to get back alive.

Visit the Bronx for a look at the Summer of Blood live in the street, and then over to Indonesia where the Moslems have beaten the Christians to sentencing a Moslem Terrorist to death!

Hear how your host and his other brother Darrel decided not to pick dates in the offensive and therefore non existent Bradley Manning suicide pool…

Listen in as Nikki Haley withdraws America from the UNHuman Rights Council, and a little baby boom in Ft. Worth brings some solace for the Big Baby Bust across the country.

Speaking of Human Rights… Donald Trump, (the most Pro-Life president since… well maybe EVER!) hints that on his watch the so called right to murder innocent children (abortion) could be left for the states to decide.

And then there’s Maxine Waters and Sarah Huckabee and a lively discussion about just who deserves to eat their dinner in peace, and who does not!

We’ll take you to New Jersey where a 6th grade girls suicide failed to stop a nation, (or her parents) in their tracks to humbly ask in tears, “what is wrong?”, but instead produced another lawsuit.

We’ll tell you about the One, Two, Three, Four cop killers being released soon, how petty crime and murder go hand in hand, why the death of Eric Garner truly was a harbinger of the end of civilization, (at least in Tompkinsville Park on Staten Island).

And finally we’ll get to the heart of why the talking heads who wanted the Capital Gazette killer to be a Moslem are just as bad as the ones who wanted the Boise Apartment slasher to be a white guy!

Leave your MAGA and ANTIFA hats at the door please, and come in for a dose of real talk that will help you recognize what The Big One really is, and just might help you keep from getting killed.





Misgendering & Civilizational Dimembering

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host race among the ruins on the way to helping all of us remember why the Living God ever decided to bother with us in the first place…

We’ll examine mankind’s inexhaustible ability to massively miss the point with the SHABBULB! (And how it is that Messianic Jews can no longer officially get married in Israel).

Check the state of Domestic tranquility with us as we process the shameful Slender Man plea deal, the murder of 3 innocent children by their maniac relative, and the pile of homos involved in the Northwester/Oxford slaying.

You’ll hear reason 1093 to get or keep your kids out of the government schools, (stabbing), reason 1098, (Gay Pride Flags and Confederate Flags), reason 1096, (no talk about Jesus), reason 1095, (transgender children’s books), reason 1097, (“misgendering”), and reason 1094… all the public school teachers in ANTIFA!

Find out why advertisers are choosing the Mark of the Beast over just advertising to their customers, why a serial killer in K.C. was murdering older white guys… (actually we haven’t figured that one out yet), and why Bradley Manning could have spared us all his whining if he’d just been executed like he deserved!

Hear how the judge who presided over Timothy McVeigh’s Trial now says Colorado’s Sex Offender Registry is wrong, (but for all the wrong reasons) and how Nicolas Maduro is profiting from the starvation of his people!

Then we’ll try to relate why it is Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ feels the need toconsult a panel of experts before he throws the tranny’s and sex perverts out of the military.

And then there’s some talk of chickens, heroin, burning men, roosters, the all the queer waiters in Denver.

Yes indeed all that and more at the podcast below…



Suicidal Idiot Children

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer as she helps her host come to grips with the tragedy of his generation…

We begin with the Democrat murder of Seth Rich, and the darkness associated with his whole family in light of it… and then there’s the execution, (finally) of Tommy Arthur in Alabama, and the attempted suicide by cop of another suicidal idiot child in Times Square.

While in Ohio, the suicide of a generation, (intentional and otherwise) is filling the morgue to capacity and beyond, in Denver a fellow traveler dressed as a clown built razor gloves and slashed another to death. And in Oregon, on Mother’s Day, a homicidal idiot child decapitated his mother and inexplicably lived to tell about it!

And remember that girl found chained up in a shipping container in South Carolina back in November? Well, her rapist made a deal with the lawyers running the show down there to spare his life despite the chaining, the rape, the torture, and the 7 murders.

And as a child of the “Summer of Love” looked on, he saw mentally deranged, suicidal perverts permitted to march naked through San Francisco, trannies graduating American Military Academies, and traitor Bradley Manning free, in drag and surprisingly still living.

Meanwhile even the brightest and best connected among the Young Democrats are being arrested for all that child pornography produced by the purveyors of that “Summer of Love” lie, but this one’s out on bail.

And in one of the saddest, but most obviously impending endings ever, Chris Cornell opted to hang himself until dead after finishing a gig in Detroit. There was no suicide note, but passers by were directed to the artists body of work

And while our celebrity, idiot president may not have physically bowed to the financiers of the Islamic Caliphate in Saudi Arabia, he did give them the honor of visiting with them first, and his commerce with them was an exhibition of biblical proportion.

All this as ISIS massacred Christians in Egypt… again.

And the other celebrities in waiting looked on…

Tune in for all of that and an amateur analysis of why it is we all want to know somebody famous!