
Giving Up Their Darwin

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer as she and her host pivot from pronouns to biology and back, all while maintaining their sanity in an increasingly insane world.

We’ll tell about ROBOTS & AI! And how one day they might even do construction!

And then there’s the rapper who murdered his girlfriend, (and will likely get out of prison some day)…

We’ll check in on Drew Brees and the controversy surrounding various thin skinned queers and his video for Focus on the Family, and how the controversy should have surrounded Brees telling kids to go to the government schools, (with a Bible or not).

But at least Jaroslaw Kaczyknski in Poland is willing to take a stand against the perverts marching in the streets!

Hear Yale professor David Gelerntner’s methodical yet melancholy demolition of Darwinian Evolution as the origin of species, and yet another headline to prepare the way for Darwin’s replacement…the ALIENS!

Meanwhile creepy homo, and attempted child molester Mark Foley (R) is making a political comeback as a conservative, Ilham Omar is sleeping around, and the first criminal activity reported from space involves two lesbians and NASA computers!

The BBC is teaching children there are at least 100 genders, the Daily Mail is entertaining the delusion of mentally ill pop stars who prefer to be called “they”, and a Ventura California school district is abusing children with gender identity confusion starting in kindergarten.

And if that’s not enough, the socialist madmen in Sacramento are also threatening Uber and a gig economy they cannot control, and are not getting their usual cut of we suppose. All while banning any punishment for public school children expressing themselves via willful defiance.

We welcome the death of Robert Mugabe, rebuke dirty mouthed politicians like Beto and Trump, and like you wonder just how hard it might become to protect against terrorist drones.

All this plus opium as good old fashioned medicine, and one of the most painful stories we’ve ever told. All at the podcast below.



Rearranging Deck Chairs

Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host take you on a race among the ruins, in hopes of salvaging some.

Begin by going with us to Nigeria where the slaughter of Christians by Moslems continues day by day to very little press fanfare.

We’ll examine God’s Amazing Creation from simple things like moisturizing your skin for whole body health to why the Army is studying the skin of world’s fastest sharks.

And we will ask where is that live ammo we were promised for the Yellow Jacket rioters in Paris…

Find out if $149.00 is worth killing over, if working mothers would be better off at home cooking for the kids, and why New York City is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Hear all about the contest for king of Gaffes featuring Beto O’Rourke vs Joe Biden!

The man atop of the pile of deviants and queers running Colorado, Governor Jared Polis, seems hell bent on handing his state over to  much bigger piles of perverts and degenerates in California & New York.

Lend us your ear and we will unpack just the first hilarious layer of the burgeoning college cheating scandal.

We’ll go into how it was that Donald Trump helped advance the career of Kamala “Camel Hairs” Harris, why “Cain and Abel” were more closely analogous to the Jacquelyn Smith murder than was “The Good Samaritan“, and what would make an 11 year old boy want to shoot his father in the head.

Discover who’s really responsible for the “BirthStike” amongst terrified young women in Europe, and the “EarthStrike” amongst brainwashed victims of child abuse at government schools around the world.

Your hosts assertion that godlessness leads to mental illness has been further confirmed in yet another clinical study.

A former Marine videographer wants to show us what being a Marine is like, and what combat is really like, (and I ‘m sure we don’t really want to know either).

And we will discuss the mass killing that is a harbinger of a coming global conflict and perhaps even the Second Civil War.

All this and the RE-publican rebellion against border controls at the podcast below: