
Cherished Assumptions

Join America’s most attractive audio engineer along with her host on a romp through the news of the week both tragic and sublime.

You’ll hear about a cancer sniffing dog from the “Creation Science” file, alongside “facts” to consider while pondering alien life forms from the “Sciiiiiiiience!… really?” file.

We juxtapose the manufactured outrage of recycling “fraud” with a most vicious murder at the E.R. , a beating and a carjacking in the city of Brotherly Love, a girlfriend slain by her boyfriend, a mother beaten to death by her son, and a Good Samaritan repaid with murder in Baltimore.

Hear about the settlement Jeffrey Epstein made preventing public testimony from any more of the girls he abused.

And then there’s Dominique Sharpton’s settlement to compensate her for her permanent state: pain, suffering and misery.

And how temporarily licensing the rights to your life story to your own charity can appear fairly dignified when you’re Al Sharpton, and it’s compared to all the people you’ve gotten killed and all the lives you’ve destroyed.

We’ll analyze the evolution of a homo-lisp alongside the evolution an evil philosophy of utter wickedness, vile hatred and foul degradation in Apple CEO Tim Cook.

We’ll get our fair share of abuse from the UNClimate Chief for all that harmful living and breathing we’re all doing.

And we’ll check in on the Oscars to reveal how a comedian escaped of the worst gig in America by cracking a couple of jokes about queers!

All this and a few thoughts on being a tax collector, prayer for Asia Bibi, and why the French are burning down France… again; right at the podcast below:



Conservatives Win!

This week your host and his extremely attractive audio engineer examine the manifold crannies and crevasses into which the hopeful hand of the nation has been flung, in desperate grasps for purchase along it’s rapid descent down the slippery slope.

But we take heart that in the long run, the ultimate conservative; the Living God indeed does win!

But first we’ve got to deal with reason number 906 to get, or keep your kids out of the government schools; a federal Department of Education mandate that schools adopt approved trans-gendered policies, or lose the federal funds to which they are hopelessly addicted!

Then there are reasons 902 & 903, 904 & 905!

It’s a young earth! And it’s not very stable either! As earthquake scientists in California warn of “The Big One“.

We examine the history of ISIS terrorist Elton Simpson and the proctors who set him free to make war against Pamela Geller, (but ending up proving that the “mighty” warriors of Allah are no match for a traffic cop in Texas)!

And we learn who’s side Barry HO and his Proctocracy are on when Ms. Geller asked for protection in light of the Fatwa issued against her by Barry’s apparent allies! Barry and his horsewomen say you’re on your own Pam!

The communist Chinese government is tearing down crosses faster than an army of vampires, the British National Health Service is asking old folks to just die already, “conservative” Nebraska is considering eliminating the Death Penalty for murderers, (but not for their victims), and Al Sharpton’s minions want to reduce crime, by decriminalizing crime!

The author of the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative has been arrested for drug possession before completing his shakedown of Ferguson, MO and their police, And Texas’ DPS Director has moved to the front of our pack of presidential hopefuls by calling Snoop Dogg, (a dope smoking cop hater) a dope smoking cop hater!

But Rick Santorum reminds us of the backward collapse of conservatism into cheap liberalism by clarifying that when he’s asked how he feels about mentally ill men transitioning to women, he prefers to “deflect“.

Conservatism may be in a sad state, but Doug McBurney and The Weekly Worldview continue to hold the line with hard-core, old corps, old-school conservative talk you’ll only find at the podcast below!