Criminal Insanity

Hear the world’s most attractive audio engineer and her host as they help you understand what happened from the massacre in Las Vegas to the heroism in Grand Rapids, and the call of that still small voice.

Have you noticed that as what is criminal has been made to be legal, and that what is moral is being called criminal? We have. It is exemplified in the stay of execution granted by the U.S. Supreme Court for another convicted murderer.

And in the government schools the child molesters and murderers are as active as ever…

As the civilizational suicide continues in slow motion from Helsinki to Tokyo, and as the sex perverts running Hollywood, and the captains of the technological revolution refuse to bow their knees to the Living God, we find amongst it a bright, shining light radiating from Nick & Carrie DeKlyen, Grand Rapids, MI.

RE-publicans, Donald Trump, and the Pro Life Industry together celebrated their their latest fund-raising strategy of endorsing 95% of all surgical abortions, (including for those with Down Syndrome) while telling themselves, and the rest of us that they are against abortion. Surely they are missing the mark…

Find out the Bible verse we dedicated to O.J. Simpson’s release, how God finally exhausted His mercy for Hugh Hefner, how the criminally insane in England aim to reduce acid attacks and stabbings, and how the reality of the opium epidemic is tipping an already precarious social contract to the point of no return.