Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview: Junk Justice

Flames erupted both figuratively and literally in the week just past with significant implications for the week to come, not to mention eternity. The good news is that the Nov. 7 missile launch off the coast of San Diego was likely just a message from China and not an actual attack. The bad news is that most of Neil Young’s master tapes survived the fire that engulfed his hybrid car and other junk.And Neil’s refrain “four dead in Ohio” brings to mind not the death of hippies, but of families…

Speaking of junk, have you wondered why it is the younger generation call their God-given reproductive organs “junk”? Doug’s got a theory… It involves factors like High School teachers coming out, courts questioning the ability of, (not homosexuals), but Christians to adopt! Victor Victoria, America’s first transgendered judge, the fact that 30% of them are being told their mentally ill, while in fact 40% of them and their parents say marriage is becoming obsolete.

And while the youth question their own sanity, Bristol Palin’s “dancing with the stars” routine inspires a shotgun attack on a TV set. And the “Bristol blow-up” comes  before her mom’s show “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” inspires a similar reaction somewhere in Colorado…., (our congratulations to those who bet on Bristol in the Weekly Worldview Pool, “who will blow up on TV first, Sarah or Bristol”).

Speaking of Sanity, Charlie Crist is determined to pardon Jim Morrison in advance of their meeting in Hell, (but Crist finds  no mercy here). John Boehner takes his best shot at conservatism, but can’t seem to make it beyond the out of control liberal RE-publicanism of of 2008. And the War has become a law enforcement nightmare at the airport, a justice embarrassment at Ahmed Gailani’s trial, while a lack of justice in the ridiculous “drug war”now requires military intervention!

And a  couple in Minnesota asks America her opinion on a real abortion, (95% say no), while mad scientists in Britain inject the body parts of real American abortion victim into the addled brain of an English geezer who has apparently has no interest in dying with dignity…

So, if you must know, download the podcast and lend an ear…