Confluence of Influence

Tune in to discover how America’s most attractive audio engineer helps her host maintain the conviction that life is NOT a virtual reality computer simulation!

But the authorities in Seattle are not so sure dubbing their newly created “Safe Spaces” for shooting up heroin as “Community Health Engagement Locations…”

The Eurozone is euthenizing children (and itself) while the Islamists make fools of our soldiers amidst the chaos in Syria, and the President of the United States ships a couple billion (in cash) to our enemies in Iran, and lies to our faces about it.

Meanwhile John Kerry’s State Departments takes a cue from the Clinton Global Initiative, doling out cash to dim witted family members engaged in “doing good”, while doing very well thank you very much.

The “Green Berets in Negligees” are on hold for the moment, but Hillary Clinton and her ilk are hell bent on erasing God’s natural order, even if someone has to die trying!

Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields saved an innocent child’s life, but a not so innocent 17 year old boy got the death penalty for a home invasion, all the while we are being told that “child molesters are people too”, and are to be tolerated in our midst…

Enemy combatants continue their war on the police, even as Black Lives Matter protest leaders are asking the police for help protecting them from all the crime they’ve helped encourage.

But don’t get too uptight about the bombs in New Jersey, the explosion in Manhattan, and the Islamist stabbings at the mall, leading “experts” are debating the idea that indeed their very existence, and all this troubling news is just the aforementioned virtual reality computer simulation.

The podcast below is anything but!